관심있는 주제/Error

Could NOT find Boost

Lynn123 2022. 2. 3. 14:16

Could NOT find Boost (missing: Boost_INCLUDE_DIR)


별도의 버전 명시가 없어서 brew를 이용하여 설치했다.

brew install boost


만약에 특정 버전(또는 그 이상)을 요구한다면 tar 파일을 다운받아서 직접 설치를 진행하면 된다.



Boost Downloads

Current Release Version 1.78.0 December 8th, 2021 03:45 GMT Updated Libraries: Asio, Assert, Atomic, Beast, Core, Describe, DLL, Filesystem, Geometry, JSON, Lambda2, Log, Math, MultiIndex, Multiprecision, PFR, Predef, Regex, System, Utility, Variant2. Down




1. Unpack and go into the directory:

tar -xzf boost_1_50_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_50_0


2. Configure (and build bjam):

./bootstrap.sh --prefix=/some/dir/you/would/like/to/prefix

3. Build:



4. Install:

./b2 install





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